Ch. 5 Update Muy Corto


Due to my impatience and a long line in front of the hostel's computer I have conceded to make this email short. Here are some bullet points of recent events:

-merry conversation with ladies of the night upon Cartagena's city wall

-a torrential rainstorm in Taganga that unceremoniously took my left sandal

-the gradual demystification and inevitable resentment of the female Australian accent

-a 300-ish pound drunk Alaskan woman crashing down a spiral staircase

-the burning of a kayak

-translation from English to Spanish of old 80s love songs to our gay colombian taxi driver

- countless offers of every drug imaginable on just about every street in Colombia

- last but most recent, we witnessed an ecuadorian girl's heart break in a bathroom. The heartbreaker showed neither remorse or pity.

We finished Colombia and are now in Quito, hope all is well with all of you. That's all for now!

Mac and Elliott