Ch. 33 Come Fly With Me


I’ve always tried to live by the Buddhist mantra of living in the moment. This is no easy feat but it can be done.

Some might call it hedonistic but I think there’s nothing more important than how you feel right now. I figure whatever it is you’re doing, you might as well enjoy it.

With the technology at our fingertips in today’s media-heavy society, living in the moment is easier than ever. Let the computers remember the past we don’t care to, and leave the future until you’ve arrived.

Today it’s possible, and almost easier, to live a very temporary lifestyle. Everything is disposable;there are more hookups than actual dates (for my generation at least); texts way outnumber letters, even buildings these days are designed to be torn down within five years.

Our attention spans have conveniently shortened so we don’t accept anything that isn’t bite-sized. (like the length of this paragraph).

The number one culprit of this temporareality is Twitter.

It has been the bane of my social media existence for quite some time; a platform for what I despise most on the web: Facebook statuses. Although some can be thoroughly entertaining and useful, most barely dignify the energy expended to type the useless interweb noise. Reading such abominable statements is akin to listening intently to pre-teens at a food court, may as well hear birds squawk, hence the cute concept of Twitter—tweet, tweet.

I could trash it more, and in many ways I have, but at the end of the day Twitter cannot be ignored. It’s larger than Big Bird at this point and it’s tangling in the realm of our national mascot, the Bald Eagle.

That’s why I have to give in and get a piece of this momentary bluebird pot pie. Follow me if you dare, I’ll share the thoughts that don’t make it into this site but deserve to be read.

Live in the moment with me @MacOnTheFly

​The best bird hands down.

​The best bird hands down.