Ch. 38 My dad the Communist


Dos Equis has an ad campaign about the “most interesting man in the world.” They got the idea for this character after meeting my dad.

He’s hard to keep tabs on because one day it’s Tunisia, the other it’s Spain, then you sneeze and he’s in Bangladesh. My dad is a marathon globetrotter because he’s an economist. Don’t ask me any other questions about his job because I won’t know the answer. It’s easier to think of him as a CIA agent who takes out world leaders quietly and efficiently. Think Jason Bourne meets Jim Carrey then add the adventurous flare of Indiana Jones and put a frisbee in his hand. That’s my dad.

His stories of international awesomeness could fill a book and probably will someday. He escaped Tehran 5 months before the Argo incident with $7,000 worth of Persian rugs he bought for the family*, no sweat. He’s dodged more anti-American protests than I can hope to remember. Yet the guy continues to insert himself in the belly of political powder kegs just to help the surrounding economy out of their ruts.

To his credit, he encouraged me to take an economics class in college but I think there is a generation gap for economic genius. I’d love nothing more than to see Mac Jr. excel in economics like my father and his father, maybe he could even go to UC Berkeley and create a staggered dynasty.

My grandfather, Kenneth Hansen died before I could meet him but his legacy still thrives. During the Red Scare my dad was asked “What does your Daddy do?” in a crowded grocery store. Lil’ infant Alec responded loud and proud, “MY DADDY’S A COMMUNIST!” His mispronunciation turned a few heads, but that’s part of his charm. Interestingly enough, Grandpa Ken was actually tried by McCarthey as a communist, but I digress*.

The best part about Alec Hansen is that he’s more than just a worldly economist, he’s my dad and he taught me how to be a good person. I couldn’t have asked for a better teacher in that area. I’m a proud and lucky son today.

If you ever get the chance to meet him, mention a country, and he’ll tell you a story. Make sure you have the time to listen, you won’t be sorry.

*There’s SO much more to this story, ask me (or Alec) sometime.