Work has been filling me to the brim, so here’s something I wrote a while back:
April 8th 2013
We all want something we can’t have.
We all want something unattainable, something that teases us on the horizon of everyday. Just out of reach but so unimaginably sweet that you can’t help but chase it. So why not chase it? If capturing this mystical intangible dream is what gets you up in the morning, then it should be your number one.
Life is seldom so simple but I think decisions can be made based on our unicorns. I’m on the verge of setting out to chase in a couple months. Uprooting all that has sunken in and running till I’m weary.
Whatever it takes, chase that unicorn.
People are always saying grow up, reality bites, and my favorite, life’s a bitch. But do we have to subscribe to that? It can’t hurt to take a chance on a unicorn. Who knows, you might even catch it.
August 30, 2013
PS Chances taken, unicorn caught, totally worth it.
My kind of unicorn.