Ch. 55 Shredding with the Golden Girls

3/8/17 (written 4/22/16)

I paddled into a gaggle of steel magnolias. It was different than the standard cast of salty Aussies mixed with a foreigner or two. I reckon it was family day on the water, fathers were helping their sons catch waves and the Golden Girls were owning every set that rolled through. 

Between waves it was right gossip. 

“Victoria Anne? Victoria Anne you said?” 

“Yea” don’t forget the aussie accent. 



“Oh was that it? I was wondering how she died.” 

And back to surfing. It’s something one expects in a café or some kind of white-painted gazebo in a park, or a yoga studio—but it’s rather unexpected on the 7am lineup in Manly Beach* (real name of beach where this occurred).  

Then after a think it makes perfect sense. It wasn’t “family day” or anything special, just another day. Down under the boys and girls don’t separate sports teams until the middle of high school. I’m consistently impressed and intimidated by the female athletic prowess in Australia. That goes for the professional prowess in Oz as well. 

They may drive the wrong way down there but in my opinion, they’ve got this one right. 

Very happy to see Harriet T take the place of Andy Jack, it’s a small step in the right direction.* 

*I now live at Manly just 20 steps from the sand – the break I wrote about above is the South end that gets fairly light swell (more for beginners). My apartment is on the North end that generally gets the larger swell direction, so the regulars are less groms learning with their dads and more aggressive Aussies keen to get some turns in – both girls and guys. 

**I wrote this shortly after Harriet Tubman was announced to replace Andrew Jackson on the $50 bill.