Ch. 71 The Hair and Now


Reese (Daughter), Human, Female, 8 months old:

  • A ginger, very little hair to speak of at the moment, but it’s orange sherbert hue is unique and dazzling.

  • Reese is coming to the realization that the color of her hair is a favorite subject of many, much like someone’s height for those taller or shorter than the norm.

  • Reese feels she is a multi-faceted young woman and has more to offer than a rare hair color, she is not amused when people theorize whether her hair will stay that color, but hey, that’s showbiz as a baby.

  • A niece, granddaughter, and great granddaughter to three fully grown gingers, Reese is excited to learn the tricks of the trade of being a redhead, because her parents just don’t understand.

  • Reese often finds hair on the floor, a locale she frequents often. She samples the tastes and smells of these hairs but is an equal opportunity sampler. She enjoys hair fresh from the source or discarded and forgotten.

  • Reese has yet to produce a hairball despite her unquantified intake of anonymous hair. 

Moses, Feline, Female, 15 years old:

  • Grey tabby, historically known for overgrooming due to stress resulting in bald spots.

  • Currently living a stress-free lifestyle moving indoors and outdoors seemingly at her own whims without reason.

  • Navigating a new floormate in Reese who is fascinated with Moses but lacks the motor control to perform a soft petting.

  • Reese’s attention has resulted in unwanted removal of tufts of hair, Moses is careful to remain calm but move out of reach after any unwanted contact. It’s cool if Reese pulls Mo’s tail though, because Moses is a little freak.

  • Hairballs happen, sometimes accompanied with undigested, whole kibbles. Kibbles are whole because Moses is toothless, she endures and enjoys the dry food nonetheless. 

Eileen (Mom), Human, Female, Age unknown

  • Being a ginger has shaped her life to revolve around the next application of sunscreen, an act at which she is a professional.

  • Typically kept short since the 90s. Hairstyles have changed over the years in relative length, coloring, and shape but always fit the current trends while exhibiting an effortless glamour that surrounds my Mother.

  • Eileen was given a breast cancer diagnosis earlier in 2024 that resulted in eight sessions of chemotherapy and a first-time buzz cut.

  • She looks amazing, she is resilient both mentally and physically, and she is currently recharging before radiation sessions begin in September, results pending.

  • Eileen’s hair resembles Reese’s hair in length, which is both ironic and adorable, both are pleased by this.

  • Eileen is well cared for and welcomes any form of encouragement as she navigates this hair stage and the underlying cause, she is not a stranger to cancer having beat it a decade prior. 

Mac (self), Human, Male, 35 years old:

  • I have brown hair that seems to want to leave.

  • In a vain attempt to reverse this I take a pill once a day and apply some foam twice a day to the epicenter of my baldness on the crown of my head. Tbh, it’s working.

  • Reese loves examining this spot when on my shoulders and insists on accelerating my hair loss journey, similar to what she does to Moses.

  • My mustache remains intact though at times of high stress it has a mangier, uneven quality than in times of tranquility. This is self inflicted from chewing and tugging on it, it’s a bad habit.

  • Recent times of stress include the first few weeks of parenthood and learning of my Mom’s breast cancer.

  • Spending more time with family and some therapy has brought the mustache back to a state of fullness.

  • General light beard scruff surrounds the stache because without it, I look like a pedophile. Unfortunately I was recently informed by Lauren (wife) that my face is less itchy to smooch without the scruff so, a new hair dilemma looms.

Lauren (wife), Human, Female, 33 years old:

  • “Old Money Blonde” and beautiful. Lauren’s hairdresser is named Lea and is a subject of fascination as she not only does a good job but loves gossip (shocker).

  • Afflicted by the attention of Reese’s grasp while breastfeeding, Lauren’s hair is often tied back.

  • In the immediate months post-partum Lauren’s hair was found everywhere because there is a natural shedding period that neither of us knew about…ok maybe it was just me who didn’t know.

  • Lauren now dispels rumors around her workplace that instead of shedding, eight months post-partum her hair is amassing more volume than ever before.

  • Despite years of having the same hair, Lauren will still find time to obsess and churn over what style is appropriate for an event until the 11th hour. She is, as described, human after all.