NE Portland - OR
Elliott is a ginger and a Portland native, so he knows a sunny day is not to be wasted. Our orange couch in the backyard is key for Vitamin D.

Nanjing, China

SE Alaska - Commercial Salmon Fishing
When you deckload on a boat, there's little room for remorse. The average joe might see this as cruel, a fisherman sees the end result, a deck loaded with money.

Sacred Valley - Peru
This little guy hated girls and he had a vicious set of teeth. Shortly after this picture was taken, he attacked a woman we were traveling with. I couldn't admit it then, but it was hilarious.

Lima - Peru
The water park in southern Lima is a great place for camera nerds.

The Galapagos Islands - Ecuador
In the Galapagos there were boobies everywhere, blue-footed that is. This particular bird was mesmerized by my Cannon lens, then threatened by it.

I have thousands of pictures of my cat Moses, she is my guilty pleasure.

SE Alaska - Commercial Salmon Fishing
We don't know what this was, but it came onboard in the net and grew out of a chunk of wood. The tentacles moved like an above water anemone.

SE Alaska - Hidden Falls
Right after a hot springs session we came across this frog. He told us his tail and was filled with a curious philosophy that never followed a clear logical path, it kind of hopped around.

The Galapagos Islands - Ecuador
This astounding Iguana was nice enough to let me snap away from his level. Not very talkative though.

The Galapagos Islands - Ecuador
Galapagos gulls like their territory to themselves.

Mill Valley - CA
From my favorite hill by my mom's house you can see the bay preceding San Francisco's glitter. A perfect place to play around with long exposures, kudos to Jessica for waving the flashlight so beautifully.

Sun Valley - ID
Beau Stuart hangs for his reputation as Ketchum's #1 climber. This crag is an ancient arch made by a lava tube.

Parque Tayrona - Colombia
Nestled on the northern coast of Colombia lies Parque Tayrona, a place where a tourist can take pictures and an hombre can play futbol.

Shanghai's 3 tallest buildings hulk over the overpopulated metropolis as a constant reminder - when you run out of room down there, there's more room up here.

Maupin - OR
What's better than fly fishing on the Deschutes with your friends? If you're name is Garrett Grozak, you're answer is nothing.

Sun Valley - ID
Beau is a great person to climb with because if you can top-rope a route, he will set it for you no problem.

Oahu - HI
Connor and I found solace from Oahu's tourists in this mountain hike's banana grove.

Machu Pichu - Peru
Although I am in this picture, I can assure you that Elliott took it with the utmost direction from me. Easily my favorite shot from all of South America.

Oahu - HI
Climbing in paradise isn't enough for Connor, he want's to be connected at all times. Mokapu'u beach is just left off the cliff.

The fame Middleton pizza opener where we caught half our poundage for the season due to ordering too many pizzas...or so they say.

Beijing's tortoise salesman is hard to find due to his uniform.

Skibowl Sundayz

Pacific City, Oregon

Bunkers in Tenesse Valley

Actually his name is Kevin

Somewhere in Oregon


Spokane at its finest
Sun Valley, Idaho