Ch. 8 M.Night Shamalamadingdong


Namaste Brothers and Sisters of Pachamama,

We are scribing you from a platform of spiritual stability. What was once a point of humor in our empty confused lives is now an integral component of our new faith: the Shamalamadingdongs. In our past email we ridiculed the dreadlocked hippies of our journey, now they hold our hands and guide us through the torrential rainforest of pain, suffering and attachments that is life. Their smell of stale unwashed humanity greets our hungry nostrils with more kindness than a thousand namastes. Upon joining the Shamalamadingdongs we were instantly blessed with a deeper understanding of life, AKA we instantly grew dreadlocks. Yesterday while we ate a beautiful vegan meal of yyyyyucca covered in yyyyyyyeast, a fly decided to land on my blessed food. Normally this would have irritated the old Mateo. However, Shamalamadingdong Mateo who is now a child of Pachamama´s infinite light began to weep tears joy and exhaltation before nurturing the fly to health and blessing it in it´s travels in the great beyond. Namaste happens my friends. We used to be impatient while waiting in lines or sitting at restaurants but it has dawned upon us to practice yoga in such in opportune moments of stillness. My lotus is strengthening brothers and sisters. Ignacio´s downward dog is bringing him closer to our fly friends and thus closer to salvation. 

People ask us, ¨Why? Why have you renounced all material possessions for this seemingly fictional faith?¨ It is within the question, my dear pupil, that lies, the answer. At the risk of repetition, Namaste happens and it has clearly happened to us. We´ve learned that personal space is an illusion that ¨society¨ has created to keep us apart. Greetings these days consist of an embrace, five minutes minimum so our souls may truly communicate with one another. Imbibing alcohol is no longer a priority in our lives for are always buzzing on the juice of tranquility. May your lives find the state of bliss that has so clearly blessed ours. It is my deepest regret that we must cease to scribe this message further for I can feel our Shaman, Diego, calling in the distance with his heart.

Love you all,

Mac (Mateo) and Elliott (Ignacio)

PS We don´t mean to offend any religion in this email, it´s just that the last town we were in (Pisac) had an excess of transient hippie expats, AKA Shamalamadingdongs. Such dingdongs have colorful political views, for example have you seen the scar on Obamba´s head? Clearly he is a robot controlled by none other than the man.....oh man.