Since the last update we´ve been all over Bolivia. Funny thing about Bolivia is the dollar goes a loooooong way. Seven hour bus rides complete with disturbing onboard movies cost less than five bucks! We used said bus ride to travel south to Cochabamba where we met up with Claire and all her friends in that relaxed metropolis. She has a lot of friends. The first night we were innocently dancing in a club nicknamed the Dirty Pepper, low and behold two hombres by the names of Pablo and Iguana recognized her and Sarah from two years ago when the girls studied in Cochabamba. They were nice enough to let us into the VIP section with free drinks all night. It pays to have friends. Travis (stepbrother extraordinaire) also met us in Cochabamba with his lovely girlfriend and her sister. Twas delightful. For those of you who have never been, Cochabamba is like the Spokane of South America, you don´t visit for the activities, you do so for the people that inhabit it. So naturally we got free digs (gracias Clara) and knew all the best places to go.
Not to say that paying for lodging would have been a problem, you can find a private room with two beds and personal hot(?) shower for $4 a night. Another example, we were in La Paz for Thanksgiving so we decided to find a ritzy restaurant to celebrate such a food-oriented holiday. Went to the most high-class place we could find (it had clothe napkins ooooooooh) and spent $11 a pop. It. Was. Delicious. When we return to the states it will be impossible to settle a cab because here they´re no more than $1.50 anywhere you go, and if you have the gift of gab like us you can talk it down below a dollar. No sweat bro. The other day Iggy and I were too lazy to tie our shoes, so we paid a dude to do it for us. Joke or serious? You´ll never know.
This email coming to you from none other than the Lake whose name titilates schoolchildren across the country, that's right sports fans, LAKE TITICACA! Our town is full of hippie expats sporting dreads followed by a ghostly reggae beat similar to that of Ras Trent (lookitup). In a matter of minutes we will board a boat to Isla Del Sol for a night. I find it necessary to include that we have overcome our fear of Inca Cola (aka Inca Piss according to our Aussie friends) because it goes quite good with rum.
Gringos out,
Incas in.